Serving Cobb County Areas

Residential & commercial cleaning

Call +1 (770) 652-2728

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Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pm

Available six days a week

Professional Wood Floor Cleaning Services

We clean your wood floors very throughly, by applying an appropriate cleaner and allowing it to dry.

Then we buff your floor out for a basic shine. 

We also offer a water base finish, that can be applied to the floor for a beautiful shine. There are several ways the floor, can be brought back to life.  The old fashion way, which I prefer is to 

use a paste wax. Basically it helps protect the floor from little water spills, if you get it up quickly.  The new process is a water base finish. With this you get a beautiful shine. 

high gloss is available. 

This is a water base finish !

This is a paste wax and buffed out !

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